Your WiFi connection is crawling along? First question to ask is How to boost your WiFi speed in 7 steps whether it’s really the network that’s to blame. The true culprit could be a specific program or device How to boost your WiFi speed in 7 steps clogging up your network – perhaps a backup job beaming terabytes of data to your NAS box, or an infected device that’s been subsumed into a botnet, and is now, without your knowledge, flooding out malicious datagrams to destinations around the world.
With free software such as Wireshark, you can inspect all the data packets on your network as they fly through the air, and easily discover whether one device is taking up more than its fair share of bandwidth. Your router’s web-based administration interface may also offer reports and logs: the way you access these will differ between models and manufacturers, but they’re well worth looking at since they’ll also include activity from wired clients.
Don’t assume that you know How to boost your WiFi speed in 7 steps about every device on your network: if your network is open, or has a guessable password, your neighbours or others could be leeching bandwidth and hoping you won’t notice. You can boot them off, or use your router’s QoS settings to prioritise the traffic that’s important to you.
If all that sounds like too much hassle, try simply switching off your network-connected devices one by one, and keep checking network speed as you go. For obvious reasons,an online speed-tester How to boost your WiFi speed in 7 steps isn’t the right tool for this, as results will be limited by the speed of your internet connection rather than your domestic wireless network. Don’t trust the wireless link speed reported by Windows either: this gives an idea of the theoretical throughput of your wireless connection, but if you’re interested in real-world performance, there’s no substitute for copying files back and forth between devices. If switching off a spare PC causes things to suddenly start zipping along, it suggests a little housekeeping may be all that’s needed to give your wireless network a boost.
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